As technology decentralization increases and becomes accepted, the means of creating profitable businesses are now becoming very obsolete.
This spurred dynamic entrepreneurs to find new ways to get their professional ideas running.
Our innovative application provides a new way for aspiring beginners to get the capital and exposure needed to reach their greatest potential.
PITCH is a planned live and planned projection platform for blockchain-based benchmarks.
PITCH is one platform that has very high progressivity, therefore, this platform can be the right choice With the fast information technology PITCH composes an application that enables users to find the kind of business that their business sector can choose, so PITCH is a window for businessmen to be able to choose and determine who their potential partners and business interests are, or vice versa,
In general, this is an ecosystem that is very easy to understand and do by everyone. Therefore, in the future all opportunities for entrepreneurs no longer need to be searched by doing and using old and troublesome ways. As an entrepreneur or a startup you just need to submit information about the desired project being in the field. This will certainly benefit many parties, let alone business owners and startup. Then investors can choose the startup they want with the same ease.
How to join PITCH.
To join PITCH and to find potential business partners from different sectors, PITCH publishes token, used as a transaction tool, after being migrated, then the token holder can surf the magazine to get updated information related to the company about its profile and progress, so investors can precisely determine the direction of its investment.
The PITCH job will launch the application and the web side (http: //Tokens.PITCH). The PITCH programming app is accessible from the IOS app store and soon on the Android gadget.
Our work for our client is so natural and reasonable.PITCH gives or administers to the PITCH programming client for projects that occur throughout the universe of the square-chain Token market. We make the PITCH Token in the short number that exclusive of any segment will be sold according to the ERC-20 Tokens offer. This Token based on the Dark Ethereum stage for pitch for people in general. Tokens will enable customers to purchase benefits at the PITCH Investors Live stage and customers will be able to exchange PITCH Tokens with Tokens that other task groups can present available for purchase at the PITCH Financial specialists Live stages. In the middle of the Token season you buy, the PITCH Tokens will be consumable at PITCH's financial expert stages, sending them to the stage at a promoted address on the Live PITCH speculators website.
Token Information:
PreSale Home: 2018/02/01
Token Type: ERC-20
Symbol: PITCH
Supply Amount: 1.618.000.000 (1.618 billion)
Decimal: 9
Sale before token sale: 5% of initial inventory worth $ 20 million.
Sales Token: 20% of initial inventory.
Payment Received: Ethereal, BTC, USD
For more information:
Whitepaper: https://tokens.pitch.ventures/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/PITCH-A-Live-Video-Token-Sale-Platform.pdf
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/PitchInvestorsLive
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pitchliveapp
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/H_O0exBHeyx10zXwcYkDEQ
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pitchinvestorslive/
Ann Threads BTT: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2744377.0
My Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1817511
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